Thank you for your interest in the University of Chicago/NorthShore Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship! The primary goal of our program is to train the next generation of leaders in Sports Medicine who are well-equipped to manage the comprehensive care of athletes of all ages and abilities. Whether you have your sights set on a career in academics, working in a community hospital, joining a multi-specialty musculoskeletal practice or a combination of the above, our fellowship has the components to help you realize your aspirations. Our dedicated faculty includes many leaders across all areas of Sports Medicine which provides unique opportunities for learning as well as involvement in scholarly activities and projects. Fellows will gain experience in the office, the OR, the training room and on the sidelines caring for athletes at all levels of competition. A graduated level of autonomy will provide you with the skills needed to be successful practicing sports medicine upon graduation. In addition, numerous opportunities to teach medical students, residents and colleagues exist at the local, regional and national levels. A special emphasis is also placed on exercise prescription and the importance of physical activity in the management of disease.
We realize you are making a commitment to continue your medical education through fellowship training and we feel strongly that the year needs to be tailored to your individual needs and goals. We will work closely with you to ensure that you achieve your specific goals of doing a fellowship year and provide mentorship along the way. Please do not hesitate to contact me, or any of the faculty, should you have further questions.
I look forward to having you join me as a colleague in the future. Best of luck in your fellowship search!
Hallie Labrador, MD, MS